1. I trust myself to make the best decisions for me
2. Today I choose to be good to myself
3. I am powerful, loving, and balanced at all times
4. I choose to view myself and others worthy of love and acceptance
5. I forgive myself and choose emotional freedom
6. I am powerful and decisive in everything I do
7. I forgive others who have hurt me and choose emotional freedom
8. I take full responsibility for myself, my life, and my happiness
9. I am becoming more aware of my strengths every day
10. The past has no power over me because I am willing to learn, change and grow
11. I have integrity. I am totally reliable. I always do what I say.
12. I have the power to change myself
13. It is enough to have done my very best
14. I deserve to feel good about myself
15. Believing in and valuing myself helps others to believe in and value me
16. I am in the process of making positive changes in every area of my life
17. I give myself permission to do what is best for me
18. I have all the tools to be successful
19. I will do today what I will appreciate tomorrow
20. I am confident in myself and acknowledge my own self-worth
21. I choose to connect to my authentic self and release the outdated versions of myself
22. I feel freedom and peace when I am being true to myself
23. I am patient, loving and gentle with myself
24. I stand up for myself because I matter
25. I release all sources of negativity in my life
26. I am worthy of love, kindness and respect
27. I have the ability to direct my energies wherever I want them to go
28. I am strong and courageous
29. I am confident in myself and my abilities
30. I envision, attract and expect the best
31. I express myself in empowering ways
32. I am so proud of my achievements
33. I can do anything I set my mind to
34. I release anything that is not for my highest good
35. I do not need to be perfect to be awesome
36. I am a very good person
37. I take responsibility for how I feel
38. I appreciate, value, and accept myself for who I am
39. I stand on my own two feet. I accept and harness my own power
40. I always have a choice in any situation
41. I let go of the past and focus on creating a joyful and empowering future
42. I am thankful for all the challenges that help me grow and transform
43. I let my accomplishments speak for themselves
44. My inner vision is clear. I know who I am
45. I am the authority of what is good for me
46. I believe in myself and can easily achieve the lifestyle I desire
47. I crave only the things that nourish my life
48. I am becoming more in touch with my personal power every day
49. I live in alignment with my highest values
50. I release old habits that no longer serve me in exchange for more positive ones that do
51. I deserve to be happy and successful
52. I embrace all that I am and all that I can be
53. I love the person I am becoming
54. I choose to be around people who honor and respect me
55. I choose to be myself, and I am accepted as I am by everyone I meet
56. I am unique. I love being me!
57. I am a focused, productive, inspired-action orientated person
58. There is no such thing as problems – only opportunities
59. Challenges bring out the BEST in me
60. I inhale confidence and exhale fear